Version 0.4

Here's Version 0.4 (v 0.4) of  Afterlife! This update includes the following:

1. Play Audio Script - Plays both background music and different sound effect based on if the player is hurt, exorcises a friendly/angry spirit, or if a good spirit passes on.

2. Icon Splash Script - Different icons appear at the ghost's position if the player is hurt, exorcises a friendly/angry spirit, or if a good spirit passes on.

3. Button Behavior Script Update - Changes to spawn icons and play audio.

4. Menu/Game Over adjustments - Changes to the start screen and the addition of a simple opening cutscene. The Game Over screen now includes both a Menu and Retry button.

5. Score update - Final score is shown in Game Over screen.

More updates to follow!

Files 14 MB
Oct 06, 2021

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